Yohan Huh Prudente

Yohan is on the Men’s Ministry staff at Harvest USA. He assists in the equipping mission through preaching, teaching, and creating content for the local church and blog posts. He also facilitates biblical support groups and serves with individual discipleship. Yohan’s beating heart is to carry a cross in the kingdom of grace. He has a passion for missions and the gospel’s impact upon the lost, seeking to bring the sons and daughters of God to be restored in covenant fellowship with their Savior, Jesus Christ. Yohan grew up in South Korea and Brazil with missionary parents who labored with church plant ministries. He had a previous legal career before coming to faith and served youth ministries for many seasons. He graduated from Westminster Theological Seminary and lives with his beloved wife, in the greater Philadelphia area. In times of rest, you’ll find him enjoying a proper cup of coffee in the company of his family and friends, chasing youth students from his home church, New Life Dresher, and writing poems.